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Why We Write?

5 Plus Reasons Why We Write Our Articles?

Something dawned on me tonight, so I am writing this article off the cuff as my mind takes me back in time.

I will start by giving five reasons why we write our articles and then move on to the “Plus” as written in the title.

1. To establish ourselves as an expert (branding).

2. To build our list.

3. To sell products directly (either as a vendor or an affiliate).

4. To build back-links (for search engine optimization purposes as well as direct click-through traffic).

5. To draw in traffic from the search engines.

But you and I both know these are not the only reasons. Now bear with me for the icing on the cake, for the “Plus” as I mentioned above.

Many, many years ago, 20 or so, I was a door to door saleswoman. I sold pre-need cemetery property door to door for a living.

You are probably thinking right now, this lady is crazy. Why would anyone want to sell cemetery property when they can sell more appealing items?

The answer is simple and absolutely true.

I, due to a sudden illness in the family became a full time caretaker, and the sole bread winner. I had some serious bills to pay.

I needed to have a flexible schedule. I also needed to make enough money to keep the wolves away from the door and at the same time keep the home fires burning.

Therefore, I decided on a sales position.

The question I asked myself at the time was, “what will I sell?”

It had to be a product that was needed, that would lighten somebody’s load and solve a current or future problem.

Also, something that had little or no competition and a high conversion rate.

As the years have come and gone, I don’t sell cemetery property door to door anymore but my objective in product choices remains the same.

Thankfully for the memorial counselors of today, like almost everything else, that can be sold digitally now.

But I often think back to my door to door sales-woman days and I remember well part of my script;

“My primary purpose is to enlighten you, to inform you,

and to lift your burdens ahead of time.”

I realize now, all those years later, my primary purpose also remains the same.

I, like you and so many other article and information marketers are all in the same boat for the same cause.

We write our articles for all the five reasons mentioned above, but more importantly, we also write to enlighten you, to inform you and to lift your burdens ahead of time.

Good luck my friend

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