Attention Struggling Small Business Owner...

Struggling Small Business Owner

"Discover the Simple 3-Step Launch Formula That Creates Streams of Highly Targeted Traffic and Convertions on Autopilot..."

... And How To "Double Boost" Holiday Sales To Add 25% or More To Your Profits!

Dear Fellow Business Owner,

If you’d like to get lots of new and loyal customers, this will be the most important workshop you’ll ever attend

And by the way,

Yes! It Really Is FREE!

But before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

This isn’t one of those “get rich quick” workshops that promises you a fortune for doing nothing.

Here’s the deal.

The system I outline in this free workshop is working great for thousands of small business owners, and I believe it can help you, too.

But I’m not suggesting that everyone (or anyone) who attends it is going to make a lot of money.

I don’t know how much the small business owner who attends will make – it’s likely that many or most of them will make little or nothing at all if they don’t follow the directions and apply them.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you …

Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this isn’t like any business workshop you’ve ever been to. There’s no fluff or filler – just battle-tested tactics that are working right now.

And it’s easy.

I give you the workshop transcripts and at 47 pages, you can read it in an afternoon. And you’ll immediately “get” the entire system I personally use and, every successful internet marketer.

It’s About MORE Than Just a Workshop.

See, you can use the same system in this free workshop to sell all kinds of high end products and services.

Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…

  • What you need to know to start harnessing the power of the internet for your individual business, and turn it in to tons of more customers coming through your front door.

  • Very simple, different methods that you can integrate with what you are already doing as a professional business owner.

  • How to start bringing in some of the traffic from the local internet searchers and start capitalizing on the local customer base

  • How to put yourself in front of local traffic, and build their trust and get their business?

  • How to have your customer give you more money more frequently? Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

  • How to start building your customer base and building your email list?

  • How to implement an automated marketing system, totally Hands Free Marketing System


  • How to cut your add budget and increase profits

  • How to build a list of buyers for your business.

  • One simple and immediate change that effectively captures all of your walk in traffic and your regular customers at the same time.

  • How you may be able to get more money out of your list automatically.

  • How to create a joint venture that will, build your list of customers, sell more of your products, and increase your bottom line dramatically

Specifically Designed For People Who Hate “Selling”

Listen. If you don’t like “sales”, you’re not alone. I can’t stand it either. I’d literally rather do hard manual labor than be a typical “salesman”.

And that’s why I’m giving my workshop free.

When you use it, two things will happen.

First, you’ll be of genuine help to everyone you use it with. They’ll come away from the experience viewing you as a trusted friend and adviser …regardless of whether or not they buy anything.

This is really important to you because it sets you up for a long-term relationship with them where they’re significantly more likely to become a good customer that does business with you for years.

The next thing you’ll notice is this:

You’ll Make More Sales!

And you’ll do it without using any pressure, you won’t have to convince anyone of anything, and you won’t even have to talk about yourself or your services much at all!

That’s because of the way the system works. Your prospect will actually do the selling for you

Here’s What To Do Next

Like I said, the workshop is free. I will post my next workshop this month, or, if you are in a hurry and can’t wait that long, enter your name and email below and download the transcripts now for free.

I will contact you to let you know next live free workshop is. At that time I will be able to address any questions you may have.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering …


I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them.

There’s NO hidden “continuity program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I’m giving you this workshop, for free, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m giving you 47 pages of Workshop Transcripts outlines…

How to get your customers to
buy from you more frequently,
over and over again,

How to generate new loyal customers
to do exactly the same,
even if they’ve never bought from you before!

This is brand new and it’s something I plan to sell as a digital package with audios and videos for at least $297.00 in the future.

I’m giving it to you as a gift because you can benefit from it right now and I want your feedback on it before I release it to the public,

Like I said, there is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.

Yours In Business

Annette O’Leary

Download The Amazing Free EBook & Discover How to Grow Your Business Now...

How to get your customers to buy from you more frequently, over and over again

How to generate new loyal customers to do exactly the same, even if they’ve never bought from you before!

How to start bringing in some of the traffic from the local internet searchers and start capitalizing on the local customer base

One simple and immediate change that effectively captures all of your walk in traffic and your regular customers at the same time

Annette O'Leary-Coggins (2)

About The Author - Annette O'Leary

Knowing that copywriters are masters in the art of persuasion, and consultants are masters in the art of monetizing... Annette has sufficiently studied and practiced the works of the finest copywriters and consultants on the internet. 

Annette O’Leary, is a digital marketing expert and digital product creator.

She has worked with large internet based companies such as Budget Blinds, Subaru and Artesian Spas writing Sales Copy and SEO Content.

“We have never, ever, had such an incredible opportunity to get in front of our perfect audience so quickly and easily than we do today.

It is easy and inexpensive for small business owners to capture leads and stay in touch with their customer base while at the same time getting those customers to buy more often.”

Annette holds workshops for small business owners and individuals alike., to explain exactly what Digital Product Creation is as well as what Direct Response Internet Marketing is.

“I explain and demonstrate how quickly and easily small businesses and anyone with a computer and internet connection can capitalize on these inexpensive marketing strategies to acquire new customers and increase the value of those customers.

Launching an effective email campaign with quality information and digital products can mean the difference between a struggling business and a wildly successful one.

I take some traditional marketing methods and show you how to step them up to maximize your internet marketing efforts.”

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